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The Artistic Lifestyle, our Artist Warriors, and our artists believe lifelong learning, teaching, and self-improvement are the keys to personal, professional, and social development. We believe in learning and teaching one another to make ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, our state, and America great. Even though we believe the role of government is to provide the orphaned and disadvantage with an education adequate enough to become the President of the United States, which is the apex of the American Dream, if our government cannot provide each and every mother and or fatherless children with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to accomplish the American Dream, then what’s the point of our government? What’s the point of the American Dream? What’s the point of America?  We believe in the equality of opportunity and the ridiculous notions of equity, equal redistribution of wealth, or Marxism are nothing but political, social, economic, and cultural idealistic dogma, which is the result of childish thinking by people who never grew up and blind naïvety, which has been weaponized for centuries. 


We believe if the federal government’s role in education is constitutional, government education should teach and train #WeThePeople to self-teach and lifelong learn [NOT brainwash, indoctrinate, and socially engineer] at the most cost effective and efficient method. Likewise, the federal governments' and even states' roles in education should be a minimum. Some argue the federal government has NO constitutional role in education, and their arguments do have value. In fact, we agree. Why do you think The Artistic Lifestyle exists? We want to replace their archaic system with The Artistic Lifestyle Lifelong Learning System. However, currently federal government’s role in education is constitutional, so with contemporary technology and computer software, we should be producing doctors by time our children become legal adults. #DiapersToDoctorates Unlike the leftist who wish to brainwash, indoctrinate, and socially engineer our children and young adults into their satanic Marxist slavery cult, we believe our country, founded by #WeThePeople for #US and values freedom and liberty, should educate, teach, and train our people how to live life free instead of training us to be slaves. 


Slaves have free food; slaves have free housing; slaves have free education and training; slaves have free jobs; slaves have free healthcare, but slaves do not have freedom even without chains, because chains slow down productivity, so slaves are trained to think they are free, but they still do not have freedom, which is why fascists, socialists, and communists all believe in free healthcare, but that same free healthcare for all should not be available to the slaves who refuse their mandatory healthcare (personal protective equipment, vaccines, etc). So in reality, Marxists believe free healthcare is for everyone, except for those who want the freedom to choose their own health decisions, so Marxists believe in their master’s (governments) free healthcare for slave-minded and not for those who believe in freedom and liberty. This is literally Stockholm, and just proves Marxists are slaves. It’s not their body. It’s not their choice. 


You will abort your children, because it’s your right. You will decapitate and mutilate your children’s genitals. You will decapitate and mutilate your own genitals for own good. You will work until you retire six years before you die or are killed by Nazi governors in nursing homes during covid and then having these elderly vote for the party across the ticket after the genocide the elderly. Meanwhile, these same Nazis are training our children in kindergarten to decapitate and mutilate their genitals and ignore their parents, and the sickest part is these sick psychopathic Nazis want to poison our children’s minds in preschool. Oh it gets worse, not only do these demonic genderless child-raping Baphomet-worshipers want to train our children to join their pedophilia, pedovoric, death cult and murder babies at full-term, but these child sacrificing Moloch-worshippers want to murder babies weeks after birth. So, while these sick, sick people are trying to enslave or murder our children, we are trying to save all God’s children. #SaveTheChildren


© 2024 by The Artistic Lifestyle.

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