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When it comes to our natural and God-given Right to Life, we believe in full-bodily autonomy. We believe every adult has the right to decide their own medical care or refuse medical care unless otherwise specified via powers of attorney or court orders specific to individuals with due process. We believe in individual responsibility and accountability when it comes to health issues deriving from poor dietary and lifestyle decisions, which is one of the reasons we do not believe in single payer healthcare. With that said, our objections to single payer healthcare are primarily rooted in the historical record of ALL governments using healthcare as deathcare and using healthcare to bribe, extort, and coerce people from exercising their Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, which has historically happened in every socialist and communist country to include the United [Socialist] States of America, which due to disability, welfare, public schools, public pensions, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and the oligarchical fascistic system of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Business, Big Education, Big Energy, and Big Media, is already a socialist country. The Rights to Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are not found in any of these policies and these institutions; therefore, we believe health insurance should be the responsibility of the individuals. In a libertarian sense, the expenses of people with health issues derived from poor dietary and lifestyle decisions will not impact others’ Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 


With that said, We The People understand we are not all born the same. Some of US are born rich. Some of us are born poor. Some of us are born disfigured. Some of us are born deformed. Some of us are born motherless. Some of us are born fatherless. Some of us are born orphans. Some of us become orphans. Our American issues come from lack of knowledge and knowledge gaps. Of course, this is compounded by our USDA prescribing dietary guidelines, which make us fat, sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated and dying, which makes the food and healthcare industries, pharmaceutical companies, and government wealthy. We The People pay them to kill US. If they weren’t purposely making US fat, sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated, and dying, then why are we sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated, and dying? Of course, this is compounded by our FDA approving food and medicine, which makes us fat, sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated and dying, which makes the food and healthcare industries, pharmaceutical companies, and government wealthy. We The People pay them to kill US. If they weren’t purposely making US fat, sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated, and dying, then why are We The People fat, sick, depressed, anxious, over medicated, and dying?  It’s a conspiracy theory you're too brainwashed to see the concentration camps. The German people didn't see the concentrations. The Nazi SS doctors were the killers, not the German soldiers. And only a fool would trust socialized medicine again, but here we are with the WHO giving our healthcare system democidal directives.


We believe in the freedom to breathe air freely. We believe in the right to choose what vaccines to take. We believe in the right to be properly informed. And we believe in the right of vaccine recipients to sue criminally and civically. We believe in the right to sue criminally and civically policy makers who mandate vaccines for schools, etc. We believe a woman does have the right to choose up until the moment of legal life as prescribed by the law.


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